Here's the Ruckus!
We had a fun Lord of the Ring's scenario with the skirmish ruleset Here's The Ruckus. The scenario had Faramir, Captain of Gondor, versus a group of Orcs in a race to nab/rescue the Ringbearer and exit the board with hostage/rescue in tow. After a slow start with both sides taking potshots at each other with very ineffective bow fire (I counted 4 rolls of 1s on 1d6, leading to "misfires"! weapon maintenance must be sorely lacking in Middle Earth), the Orcs lucked out and found the Ringbearer in the first place they looked. The game then turned into a race - for the Orcs to exit the board with their captive, and for the Gondorians to stop them. Concluding that it was all or nothing, the Gondorian side went all in, with Faramir charging into combat against his opposite number on the Orc side. In the end, the Orcs delayed the fight long enough for one of them to exit the board with the hobbit and win the game. All in all, a fun skirmish ruleset, with enough complexity an...