Making some new forests
I bought these flat neoprene printed forest sections off Etsy, and decided to make a forest to sit on top of them. The idea is that when detailed measurements need to be made, or when units move into the forest, the top section can be removed, with the flat base showing the outline and borders of the forest for easy calculation of movement and line of sight. The base with the "trunks" is foam board cut with corrugations and then dry brushed, and the top is just foliage scatter hot-glued on. This was a technique I picked up from a friend, who showed me how easy it was to make these fairly realistic forest groups. I do think they work best at scale of 15mm and below - any larger and the forest looks a bit too abstract, whereas at 6mm, I think we've come to accept a certain level of abstraction. I've got 5 more of these to go, and it's going to be slow going as I don't have that much time to paint or make terrain, but I figure it will take a few weekends to get...